Sister’s Suggestions

So my sister called this morning. She is helping me with the directions. It can be hard to write those yourself when you know the game so well. She volunteered to take a stab at rewriting them for me… cause she’s awesome like that.

After playing it with friends, she also had a couple of idea to make it better.

  • Said the colors were a little hard to differentiate. – That’s a tough one because you want it to look cohesive but then you sacrifice usability. Here is where being able to talk to a professional game board maker would be golden.
  • They wanted MORE game play so they could do things to one another (i.e. give player two tiles). They thought adding game play tiles might do that. – I have to think about that because it seems like now we are going in a different direction when some of the tiles aren’t numbers. I could try and come up with more game play numeric elements [like prime only different] but I need to think about it.

Good stuff. I am going to have to ponder on these ideas.